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Anna Zittel – Certified Strength Coach

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Anna Zittel – Certified Strength Coach

Certified Strength Coach Anna Zittel originally from
Detroit, Michigan; has experience training clients of all
levels, including general weight-loss, muscle gain and
injury prevention/rehab. With a history of competitive olympic weightlifting & working closely with professional and collegiate athletes to increase athletic performance, Anna is confident in her ability to assist athletes in their specific sport. Anna has since established herself in North County as a relentless coach and built a thriving personal training business through earned results & word of mouth. Wherever she is, Anna continues to provide great energy and results for her clients and co-trainers in the gym.

Personal Training Skills
  • Strength Training 100 %
  • Olympic Weightlifting 100 %
  • Sports Performance 100 %
  • Body Building 100 %
Personal Training Experience
Sports Performance Level 2
CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Kids
KILO Advanced Theories of Program Design Level 1

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Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas

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I am a nutrition and wellness consultant who has always had a passion for fitness. Native to Southern California, I was born in Los Angeles, eventually making my way to San Diego to attend the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree. Early on in my studies I made some necessary changes to my nutrition and motivated by the results I started to see, it fueled my confidence to join a fitness facility. I immediately discovered I loved the way exercise made me feel. I was more positive after a demanding workout. I had more energy. My sleep quality improved. Aesthetically, I liked what I saw in the mirror. My confidence increased. My mental health was improved. It was so empowering being able to control the way I looked and felt through diet and exercise and in turn I wanted to also help others feel empowered to make the changes they desired. This drive prompted me to take the necessary steps to become certified as a fitness trainer, and I never looked back. I have an incredibly dynamic background as a fitness trainer with over twenty years of full-time clinical experience. I have worked with men, women, children, teens and adults aged eight years old to ninety. I can train pre-natal women to term and post-natal as well. I can train bodybuilders and pro athletes. I can rehab clients through injuries and I can work with those looking to lose weight, accumulating a track record of clients with over fifty pounds of weight loss! I began building my fitness experience at 24 Hr Fitness UTC La Jolla, where I trained for five years after which I then advanced on to the Bay Club Carmel Valley (formerly Pacific Athletic Club PAC, a high end 15,000 sq ft sports facility with a 50,000 member base located in the Del Mar area), training there for eight years. After obtaining enough knowledge and perfecting the art of trainer/client bedside manner, I felt ready to transition on to training independently and continue to do so up until the present day. I am now proud to be part of the Self Made family in Del Mar, a high end independent fitness facility with a quality network of trainers. I am certified through the reputable National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and additionally certified as a Sports Performance Specialist (PES) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) obtained through the same school. I am also a Level 1 Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Instructor and a Level 1 Balanced Bodies Pilates Instructor. My specialties in Corrective Exercise (Rehabilitation) and Functional Movement foster work with special populations recovering from neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee and ankle injuries. Additionally, I can instruct clients in the proper techniques that will enable efficient movement producing maximal results with minimal injury. My expertise will allow you to get you the results you want, when you want, all while reducing the risk of injury. With my background in Sports Performance I can train athletes of all ages in any sport, both men and women. Having played sports myself, I know what it takes to train a successful athlete. I played Varsity Volleyball, Basketball and Softball in High School. As a softball player, I was an aggressive center fielder with incredible speed and agility. I could throw a softball down the line from center field to home plate all while under extreme pressure, which ultimately led to being scouted to play in college. I was a cheerleading captain and I also have a dance background. I am a hiking, biking and running aficionado with 13 ½ marathons under my belt. I am a competitive NPC bikini bodybuilder with ten years of experience in the sport. I am a five time bikini bodybuilding champion and a six time national qualifier. In addition to experience in these sports I have trained pro golfers, pro skiers and helped clients PR (Personal Record) on their marathons. With these qualifications I believe I have the proper skill set to take you to the next level in your sport. Let me be the one to help coach you on your journey to reach your personal best. My experience as a bikini bodybuilder gives me the ability to train both men and women not only to be competition ready on the stage, but off the stage as well. In addition to helping you prepare to show off your hard work on long summer days at the beach in the sun, with my background in nutrition through the sport, I can provide knowledge on food prep, enabling you to continue seeing results on your own. I will help men feel more confident shirtless and women feel more confident in their favorite bikinis. The summer months are not too distant and that means beach season, so come get beach ready with me! Lastly and most importantly, I want to bring to light how important it is now more than ever to make health and wellness a priority. In the US heart disease is the number one cause of death and the most preventable chronic illness. Investing in a health and wellness program will help reverse these dire trends. You just can’t afford not to, your quality of life depends on it. Choose me to be your health advocate, I will do everything in my power to help you achieve success on your fitness journey. That’s a promise.Book a consultation today by entering your information below and let’s get started with your in person or online training program. You can also contact me via:Email: Instagram: @leahasapesI look forward to working with you!
    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading source="post_title" font_container="tag:h2|font_size:18|text_align:center" use_theme_fonts="yes"][vc_column_text]NASM Certified Trainer - Hey athletes! My name is Julia, your new partner in crime for reaching your fitness goals. I am passionate about the transformative power that fitness can bring, both physically AND mentally.As both a military veteran and a powerlifter, you can trust my knowledge of strength training and that I will push you to work hard.I specialize in hypertrophy (aka getting that “toned” look), biomechanics, behavior change, and strength. I am certified through NASM, N1, and am a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher.I can promise you that you will walk out of the door more empowered, strong, and motivated than you were when you came in. I can’t wait to work with you![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading source="post_title" font_container="tag:h2|font_size:18|text_align:center" use_theme_fonts="yes"][vc_column_text]The Nomadic Athlete - Meet Jordan, a highly qualified professional with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from New York Institute of Technology (2020) and a Bachelor's in Exercise Physiology from the University of Delaware (2015). With over a decade of extensive experience as a snowboard coach, personal trainer, and travel physical therapist across New York, Colorado, and Northern California, Jordan brings a unique advantage to serving the diverse sporting community in San Diego.A seasoned athlete himself, Jordan excels in surfing, snowboarding, cycling, spartan racing, CrossFit, and soccer. His in-depth participation in these sports enables him to understand and cater to the specific needs of athletes who also share a passion for adventure sports. Specializing in athletic performance coaching, sport performance training, physical therapy, and athletic recovery, Jordan ensures a comprehensive approach. His goal is to break the barrier between performance and rehab and unify both worlds to create the best outcome for his patients as possible.His expertise encompasses utilizing techniques such as cupping, breath work, body work, and sport-specific exercise programming. With a firsthand understanding of the demands of various sports, Jordan provides tailored care and guidance. Whether it's optimizing performance or aiding recovery, Jordan's approach is crafted to ensure athletes in Del Mar, Encinitas, Pacific Beach, and across San Diego reach their peak potential.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]